As outlined by internal Stripe papers obtained by BuzzFeed Reports
posted @ 2015年12月25日 11:02
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On November. 12, the rapper/ hoverboard online service provider Soulja Boy wrote an email to the assist staff of Stripe, a serious online payment control company. He was interested in a large bad balance on the account, which he used to process payments to the two-wheeled self-balancing scooters they sold for $1, 500 while on an online store within the name “Souljaboard. ”
“I need help the many payments are scam, ” Soulja Son wrote. “And it routed my account to negative given that they all say that they weren’t authorized. please help the slightest bit you can cheers. I don’t are looking for to pay pretty much everything money because of frauds perhaps there is any way for you to reverse these payments and have my account for you to Good standing. ” coins68po
The e-mail was the culmination of an three-month struggle relating to the rapper and Stripe in the issue of “chargebacks”: processed plastic card orders that are generally subsequently disputed with the cardholder, for which internet merchants can be held responsible. The issues someone may question an internet invest in vary, but fraud — a person using stolen plastic card information — is just about the most common.
As outlined by internal Stripe papers obtained by BuzzFeed Reports, online hoverboard purchases are stricken by fraud. The issue is just not limited to Souljaboards. Possibly three-quarters of most purchases from a number of hoverboard merchants cause chargebacks. (As outlined by a Stripe firm source who planned to remain anonymous, a standard chargeback rate can be 1%. Additionally, according to papers reviewed by BuzzFeed Reports, some cards are actually used to fraudulently invest in hoverboards from a number of merchants.
The issue happens to be so bad that will, according to a forex account postmortem — the unsigned six-page file that outlines “Remediations” along with “Next Steps” — Stripe deemed suing its consumers to recoup cash. “segminismart need to get willing to file case, ” the postmortem states. “At what place are we actually happy to file a legal action? There’s a reputation/PR matter here since we still can be suing a individual. ”