All in most I'm really savoring this game thus far
posted @ 2016年3月29日 16:49
in 未分类
, 16 阅读
I realize the game is incredibly new, but the que times seem extremely high. I'm okay using waiting to participate in it annoying nevertheless it whatever. But what gets me about it is to actuality one There isn't a AFK auto quit. Two, cheap blade and soul gold spammers. These two things might not exactly seem like something useful with ques nevertheless if nobody inside game gets quit from afking and then why ever firewood out? Why not just hit the sack leave it running after which it you never live through que times. Added to that what if your server is 35% platinum spammers?
This cost the corporation money to present more servers for individuals to play. I understand the notion behide it. "Just go participate in on another server" Nevertheless my friends play for this server, and you can transfer or, i dont go to a option for this. Anyways the point on this is that I do think if they would likely ban bot often then it would likely save them income on server charge, by allowing additional players to signing in faster and server not being brimming with bots.
I wish the action would have a page I can check out for each class to return over the combo while i have learned these people. If there can be one I cannot still find it lol. But sometimes My spouse and i forgot what the "Way in the assassin quest line" demonstrates to me and would likely just like to review the goods.
All in most I'm really savoring this game thus far, having a wide range of fun with your combat system. Still a great deal of thing I have no idea of or understand. But if anyone would want to share their only two cents or teach me the points I don't know this is the thanks a head of your energy.