We all know the burning legion is coming back next expansion
posted @ 2014年12月05日 16:21
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It's really disappointing and frustrating for much like me who have been playing since 2005 to discover people say "this is my 5th time going!" and i also can't even go once because I took too much time hitting f5. We'll observe how my luck goes Saturday but even if I purchase tickets Saturday I most certainly will still say this product sucks. Progress blizz, wow gold sale,do a lottery with oldest accounts with never gone getting first preference.I got my Tickets because of my bf, it is his third time going and my second time. So he's mastered by doing this of getting the tickets so we're hella happy we now have them now. All we gotta do is prep for Nov and join Cosplay contest.
And scalpers do ruin it for all that desires to go. I purchased my 1 ticket and my 4th when
blizzcon to goto. If people only find the tickets they require I would not must see these scum bags in fron t of Blizzcon attempting to unload tickets them to couldn't sell on Ebay. Plus entering yourt ticket info right away is essential in case you should change it person buys tickets takes the ticket with new person day of Blizzcon to be changed that will make scalpers really say could it be worth buying tickets I cannot unload.
We all know the burning legion is coming back next expansion. Why aren't the leaders rounding up all warlocks and putting them into camps or executing them? It just takes that you open a portal in the middle of an orphanage. However it is information he only gives to player characters. He even lies for you and suggests he's only about to help your faction, 'cause he likes 'ya. I doubt he's lying in regards to the Legion, regardless.The scalpers will not put their tickets through to Ebay till after Saturday or following the May 1st chrarity ticket buy. wyntbp07h