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It'll influence the enthusiasm of ball-controlling player

alisa posted @ 2015年3月13日 16:43 in 未分类 with tags fifa coins , 142 阅读
Crossing: the cross tendency and frequency, it could be understood with easy ball from foot to foot and cross.Shooting: shooting tendency and frequency, it can be understood with the will of driving forward shooting. In case your set value is large and also you press the defense line of foes for years, the opponents will steal the ball a wave after a wave.
Positioning: It's going to influence the movement freedom from the final third of match.
Pressure: It determines the stress location (the bigger the worthiness is, the sooner it will eventually start.). If your value is big, Baecelona will steal the ball fiercely. If the value is small, it will likely be a purely defensive attacking.
It'll influence the enthusiasm of ball-controlling player. Should the value is big, it's going to fall under the crowed tackling plus the defensive line is going to be empty. If the value is small, it's going to be the stable defense. However , if the pressure to player with all the ball seriously isn't so sufficient, it will end up in long shot and subtle assists.
It is going to influence the ball player numbers moving towards field sides. Should the value is small, the will shrink. offer the cheapest FIFA 15 coins online with Safe payment.The center field will dense. However , if the middle field defense is intensive, it truly is easy for the opponents to launch attacks in the sideways. fgi4tmf

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